Bible School
Be transformed by the Bible’s powerful story of Gods journey with humanity
What is Discipleship Bible School?
Many of those who attend Bible colleges learn methods of studying scripture, but aren’t guided in putting those techniques to use on the text. The Discipleship Bible School provides an opportunity for students to read through God’s word and practice techniques for understanding it based on its original context. Students who complete the course will learn to view the books of the Bible as part of a unified story and discover their place in that story. Most importantly, they will recognize the unchanging character of God throughout history.
Join us as we learn the story of the Bible, and our place in God’s story!
The student will read the entire Bible, observe the chronology of biblical events, better understand each book in its historical context, understand the harmony between the books, be able to recognize the different genres of literature, and major themes found in these 66 books. The student will learn the foundational truths of Christianity by going directly to the source.
Week in Rome connecting with the early church
Find your place in the Bible story
Study in community
ARRIVAL DAY: April 24, 2025
DEPARTURE DAY: July 24, 2025
LECTURE : 3,600 €
OUTREACH: TBD / Optional
Go to Rome
Together we will spend a week exploring the ancient city of Rome and walk where the disciples walked as they pioneered the early church!
University of the Nations
course credit
Discipleship Bible School (DBS) – In this course students are equipped with tools for continual development of personal Bible study. Throughout the course students will grow in their understanding of the nature and character of God, how to live in and contribute to community, the importance of covenants, how to communicate God’s redemptive plan, how to use the Word in a ministry context, and discovering the “big picture” of Bible (overview).