Discovering the fingerprint of God
Explore the nature and character of our Creator God who has commissioned his people to co-create with Him and reflect his image into this world
through the unique fingerprint He’s given each one of us.
ARRIVAL: April 26, 2024
RETURN: November 1, 2024
TRAINING : 3,600 €
OUTREACH : 3,500-5,500 €
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind"
Romans 12:2
renewal of the mind
restoration of the heart
revival of the spirit
redemption of identity
reformation of culture
Training Phase (3 months)
During the 12 week Training Phase, students will participate in a live and learn environment at our training campus in Castiglioncello, Italy. There are many program components, including: classroom times, one-on-one discipleship, opportunities to serve, and community events. Each of these components serve to aid you in discovering more of who God is, how we hear His voice, who we are, what the Bible says about our world, and the role we play in the Great Commission to preach the Gospel to the nations.
Outreach Phase (3 months)
In the Outreach Phase, students embark on a 3 month overseas mission trip to further cultivate their relationship with the Lord as they spread the Gospel. Students will serve alongside churches, local ministries, and the work of the Lord in that nation. No two outreaches look alike, but they are always a time to “taste and see that the Lord is good” as we partner with Him to do His will.
find your voice
Experiment with different artistic mediums to discover, practice, and spark inspiration for creative expression. Categories include: digital media, fine arts, culinary art, literature and performing arts.
After discovering different ways of using your voice, learn to share it with others and find creative ways of making God’s fingerprint known in the world around you, both locally and globally. Some examples include: open mic nights, open air dramas/ dance, public worship and music events, prophetic art stands, poetry workshops, etc.
expressive evangelism
Tuscany is the birthplace of the Renaissance, a highly influential period of time which changed the way people thought about God, the church, and human identity. Many of the leading voices during the Renaissance were figures of faith who pursued arts, literature, science and philosophy through the lens of Christ. In this time there was a radical shift in the culture that led to a rekindled love for God, new waves of bible engagement, discovery and exploration of new lands, and reformations in the culture in all spheres of society.
A new renaissance
We have the privilege of getting to live, learn and discover God in this region full of rich history, standing upon the shoulders of those who have gone before us. We believe that God is doing something new upon the foundations of old; that He is producing new wine in this land famous for its wine. That through His abiding love, He wants to birth a new renaissance in our hearts, lives, and culture through our pursuit of His creative identity. It only takes willing hearts that are ready to be pressed and transformed into new creations in Christ.
Renaissance DTS starts in: